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B/Singapore/DSO_090138/2004 Singapore - - - - 1016 - - - -
B/Singapore/DSO_090117/2004 Singapore - - - - 1019 - - - -
B/Singapore/DSO_040136/2006 Singapore - - - - 1012 - - - -
A/quail/Guangxi/13/2002 H5N1 China 1707 1410 1027 1497 875 2151 2274 2280 -
A/quail/Guangxi/12/2002 H5N1 China 1707 1410 1027 1497 875 2151 2274 2280 -
A/quail/Guangxi/11/2002 H5N1 China 1707 1410 1027 1497 875 2151 2274 2280 -
A/swine/Kansas/11-104259/2011 H1N2 USA 1698 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/swine/Kansas/12-117893/2012 H1N2 USA 1698 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/swine/Kansas/12-156064/2012 H1N2 USA 1698 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/blue-winged teal/Ohio/13OS1770/2013 H7N3 USA 1706 1428 1002 1565 890 2211 2274 2296 -
A/American green-winged teal/Ohio/13OS1769/2013 H7N2 USA 1706 1439 1002 1565 890 2211 2274 2296 -
A/blue-winged teal/Ohio/13OS1759/2013 H4N8 USA 1713 1460 1002 1565 864 2191 2274 2296 -
A/American green-winged teal/Ohio/13OS1429/2013 H4N6 USA 1713 1464 1002 1565 890 2191 2274 2296 -
A/blue-winged teal/Ohio/13OS1410/2013 H3N6 USA 1732 1464 1002 1565 890 2211 2274 2296 -
A/chicken/Egypt/13153S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1704 - - - - - - - -
A/duck/Egypt/13149S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1653 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/13107S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 200 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/13422F/2013 H5N1 Egypt 735 - - - - - - - -
A/turkey/Egypt/1318SL/2013 H5N1 Egypt 812 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/1366S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 445 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/13639V/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1704 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/1352S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1638 - - - - - - - -
A/turkey/Egypt/137/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1704 - - - - - - - -
A/turkey/Egypt/13175F/2013 H5N1 Egypt 299 - - - - - - - -
A/duck/Egypt/1338S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1704 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/1335S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1704 - - - - - - - -
A/duck/Egypt/1327SG/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1638 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/1331S/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1629 - - - - - - - -
A/duck/Egypt/132AL/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1704 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/134/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1062 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/1334SD/2013 H5N1 Egypt 1042 - - - - - - - -
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