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A/goose/Guangdong/S4362/2009 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/goose/Guangdong/S1384/2010 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Zhejiang/S4204/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Zhejiang/S1134/2011 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Zhejiang/S1023/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hunan/S4386/2009 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hunan/S4273/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hunan/S3047/2009 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hunan/S1284/2009 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1380 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hubei/S4170/2008 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hubei/S4135/2010 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1401 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hubei/S1114/2009 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Hubei/S1366/2009 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangxi/S4111/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S4251/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1380 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S4192/2008 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S4018/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S3468/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S3225/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S3180/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S3073/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S1155/2011 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S1663/2009 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S1566/2009 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S1419/2011 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1380 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S1328/2010 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2148 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Guangdong/S1289/2010 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Fujian/S4081/2008 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/chicken/Hunan/S4495/2010 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/chicken/Hunan/S4191/2009 H6N2 E1 China 1701 1410 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
A/chicken/Hunan/S3003/2009 H6N6 E1 China 1701 1413 982 1497 838 2151 2274 2280 -
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