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A/turkey/Ontario/FAV-006-10/2016 H1N1 swl Canada 1701 1410 1027 1497 865 2151 2274 2280 -
A/turkey/Ontario/FAV-006-4/2016 H1N1 swl Canada 1701 1410 1027 1497 865 2151 2274 2280 -
A/turkey/Ontario/FAV-005-2/2016 H1N1 swl Canada 1701 1410 1027 1497 865 2151 2274 2280 -
A/Czech Republic/72/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/66/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1744 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/74/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/19/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/71b/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/26/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/swine/South Dakota/A01677448/2016 H1N2 P2 USA 1698 1410 1012 - - - - - -
A/swine/South Dakota/A01677438/2016 H1N2 P2 USA 1698 1410 1012 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/73/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/71a/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/swine/South Dakota/A01677144/2016 H1N2 P2 USA 1698 1410 1012 - - - - - -
A/turkey/Manitoba/FAV-0009-3/2016 H1N1 swl Canada 1701 1410 1027 1497 865 2151 2274 2280 -
A/turkey/Manitoba/FAV-0009-2/2016 H1N1 swl Canada 1701 1410 1027 1497 865 2151 2274 2280 -
A/duck/Egypt/HASH3/2015 H5N1 Egypt 309 - - - - - - - -
A/duck/Egypt/HASH6/2015 H5N1 Egypt 311 - - - - - - - -
A/duck/Egypt/HASH5/2015 H5N1 Egypt 311 - - - - - - - -
A/pigeon/Egypt/HASH7/2015 H5N1 Egypt 311 - - - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/13/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1744 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/17/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/Czech Republic/76/2016 H1N1 swl Czech Republic 1743 1422 991 - - - - - -
A/swine/Illinois/A01749913/2016 H1N1 swl P2 USA 1754 1458 1012 - - - - - -
A/swine/Illinois/A01749914/2016 H1N1 swl P2 USA 1754 1458 1012 - - - - - -
A/swine/South Dakota/A01677105/2016 H1N2 P2 USA 1698 1410 1012 - - - - - -
A/swine/Illinois/A01749912/2016 H1N1 swl P2 USA 1754 1458 1012 - - - - - -
A/swine/Illinois/A01749924/2016 H1N2 P1 USA 1698 1410 1012 - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/AM-16/2015 H5N1 Egypt 291 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/AM-15/2015 H5N1 Egypt 339 - - - - - - - -
A/chicken/Egypt/AM-14/2015 H5N1 Egypt 299 - - - - - - - -
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