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A/Porto Alegre/LACENRS-1155/2015 H3N2 Brazil 1762 1466 1027 1566 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Passo Fundo/LACENRS-1854/2015 H3N2 Brazil 1762 1466 1027 1566 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Rio Grande/LACENRS-1406/2009 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Campina das Missoes/LACENRS-2882/2009 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Camaqua/LACENRS-3512/2013 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Osorio/LACENRS-2158/2012 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1459 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Santa Cruz do Sul/LACENRS-2013/2009 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Novo Hamburgo/LACENRS-385/2016 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Santa Cruz do Sul/LACENRS-691/2011 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Santo Antonio da Patrulha/LACENRS-2621/2012 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Gramado/LACENRS-1287/2016 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1383 1027 1565 890 2233 2320 2341 -
A/Pelotas/LACENRS-694/2011 H1N1 swl Brazil 1778 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Cachoeira do Sul/LACENRS-1828/2013 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Rosario do Sul/LACENRS-1230/2016 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Santa Cruz do Sul/LACENRS-1192/2016 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Canela/LACENRS-418/2013 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Passo Fundo/LACENRS-1972/2009 H1N1 Brazil 1774 1462 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2269 -
A/Viamao/LACENRS-974/2015 H3N2 Brazil 1762 1467 1027 1566 890 2170 2341 2341 -
A/Flores da Cunha/LACENRS-713/2011 H1N1 swl Brazil 1778 1459 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Porto Alegre/LACENRS-1380/2014 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Canela/LACENRS-102/2011 H3N2 Brazil 1762 1466 1027 1566 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Porto Alegre/LACENRS-2380/2013 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1459 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Porto Alegre/LACENRS-1009/2016 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Canoas/LACENRS-1105/2016 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Uruguaiana/LACENRS-2538/2013 H1N1 swl Brazil 1778 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2274 2316 -
A/Canoas/LACENRS-773/2015 H3N2 Brazil 1762 1466 1027 1566 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Rosario do Sul/LACENRS-1832/2013 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Torres/LACENRS-1102/2016 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Canoas/LACENRS-1212/2013 H3N2 Brazil 1762 1466 1027 1566 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Tenente Portela/LACENRS-2073/2009 H1N1 swl Brazil 1777 1458 1027 1565 890 2233 2341 2341 -
A/Paim Filho/LACENRS-32/2011 H3N2 Brazil 1762 1467 1027 1566 890 2233 2341 2341 -
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